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Submitted by Antonio on Fri, 08/14/2020 Permalink

Thank you Daniel for your great work and for the firmware.

I had the problem that on taller objects in conjunction with the Silent Board for Ender (Pro), the extruder stopped working about halfway through the print and the printer had printed "in the air without filament". At first I suspected "linear advance", but Daniel wrote, that it is not activated in the firmware.

I've now figured out what the problem was. The SilentBoard is relatively poorly designed in terms of thermal properties. I switched the fan on the mainboard to continuous operation, but when the extruder moves too much, the motor switches off permanently. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that the filament is damaged by the many back and forth movements and no longer fits through the extruder without force and also because the power driver of the extruder motor then becomes very hot. Here are my parameters for Cura, which ensure that the filament is withdrawn less often:

    Enable retraction: Yes

    Retraction Distance: 5mm

    Retraction speed: 50 mm / s

    Retraction Extra Prime Amount: 0

    Maximum retraction count: 10 (originally 1000)

    Minimum Extrusion Distance Window: same as Retraction Distance

    Limit Support Retractions: Yes

    Combing Mode: Yes, Within Infill


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